Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Best Alternative To Smoking Tobacco Cigarette

Not only you, on the report of world health organization over 2.0 billion people smoke around the world. 48% of adult males and 12% of adult females are smokers. It’s true that 1000 of kinds under the age of 18 will start smoking on the daily basis. 5 million people die across the world each year by caused related to smoking.

Effect of smoking

1    Smoking create different types of cancer, It’s mainly cases Stomach cancer, Oral cancer, Lung cancer, Bladder cancer, squamous cell sinonasal cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer.

2    Women who smoke during the pregnancy expose herself and her unborn child to immense health risks. Cigarette also causes Breast cancer.

3    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.   
4    Chronic bronchitis.

5    Heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis. 
6    Peripheral vascular disease.
It is true that Smoking is injurious for health and it is also cause of death. So we should try to change our smoking habit. If any one cannot change his/her smoking habit they can take Electronic cigarettes
What are electronic cigarettes?
Electronic cigarette is the brand new invention. E-cigarette or electronic cigarettes are battery-operated designed to look like, and be used in the same ways as, tobacco cigarettes. E-cigarettes are sold online and shopping malls, and contain refillable cartridges filled with nicotine, flavor, and other chemicals. 

Why Electronic cigarette are different from Tobacco cigarette

Electronic cigarette are totally different from Traditional tobacco cigarette. Electronic cigarette or (e-cigarette) has no tobacco components. Electronic cigarette don’t contain tobacco. It contain liquid, chemical, mint, orange and chocolate flavor instead of tobacco. So it is not harmful for you. Anyone can take it easily.

1 It has no Bad smell

2 No harmful chemical

3 It’s not harmful for heart

4 No yellow teeth 

5 No smoker cough

Now you can smoke everywhere, you can smoke office, airlines, airport, restaurant, Bars and nightclub. You can get Electronic cigarettes from here.

NB: it is better if you can stop smoking completely. If you are not able to stop smoking completely you can take electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) instead of tobacco cigarette. E-cigarette is better from tobacco cigarette.

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